My most favorite clients to work with are super coachable.
As a result of their coachability, they experience results that are surprising and inspiring — to them and me.
And while coaching IS absolutely for everyone — not everyone experiences exceptional results. The outcome of coaching, be it inspiring or disappointing, is ultimately up to YOU, the client.
Not the coach.
Why? Because the real work is done outside of session. Results come from action. Your coach isn’t your babysitter or your personal assistant.
They are your cheerleader, your challenger, at times your therapist, and your guide. (or as one my my clients refers to me as: Navi, the fairy guide in Zelda).
Your coach is not a tugboat, pulling your heavy weight across the ocean because you “can’t” do it yourself. They are the lighthouse when you’re lost at sea — but ultimately, it’s up to you to get your boat to shore.

So — if you want massive results…
True transformation…
To realize your dreams…
And you’ve made, or are about to make, one of the most powerful self-investments of your life by hiring a coach, it would be wise to ensure you’re up to the task of being coached.
3 Qualities Of Coaching Clients That Guarantee Massive Results.
Here are the top 3 qualities that the most coachable clients embody, allowing them to maximize the results of their coaching investment.
1. Curiosity.
The most coachable clients approach everything with an open mind and heart. They embody a playful, child-like wonder to the learning and exploratory process.
Working with a coach is a self-discovery journey: it behooves you to explore without judgement to compassionately understand who you’ve been and why, as well as everything that is limiting your Becoming.
Remaining curious about the gap between who you are at the onset of your coaching journey and who you will be at your highest potential, is key to the expansion of Self. Curiosity requires choosing self compassion over self-criticism, and non-attachment instead of over-identification.
2. Self Responsibility.
Highly coachable clients don’t try. They do. They recognize that their life experience is their responsibility and they choose integrity over complacency, victimhood, blame, and excuses.
They understand that wisdom is knowledge experienced. They do the follow through, understanding that the real work is done outside of session, integrating what is discovered in the coaching session!
They understand the results are 100% on them, not the coach. They use the coaching sessions for clarity extraction and as accountability deadlines, recognizing that it’s ultimately up to them, not their coach, to experience personal evolution and achievement of their goals.
3. Growth-mindset.
Clients with high coachability value growth alongside self-awareness. They celebrate mistakes as learning opportunities on their growth journey. They get that the process requires unlearning old ways to create space for personal evolution.
But they don’t let their ego limit their potential or set their goals. Instead, they allow their heart to lead them with inspirational intentions, always guiding them to embody their next level.
Their growth mindset is intrinsically inspired — they aren’t leveling up to appease, or because society/family/culture tells them they “should”. They genuinely desire to learn and expand their human experience in alignment with their highest potential.
Whether you’re about to embark on a coaching journey or you’ve been working with a coach for some time now (but are disappointed by a lack of progress), I invite you to reflect on what you’re bringing to the table.
Because those results you desire? They are up to YOU — and how curious and self responsible you can be while guided by a coach on your growth journey.
Looking for a life coach? Always start with a discovery call to ensure you’re investing in the right coach for you.