Science is not certainty, fact, or truth. The moment science declares an absolute is the moment the exploration begins anew.
Because the question at any seemingly finite point of awareness is: What else is possible?
Math offers exactness — beautiful precision in nature that cannot be denied. But science?
Science is not “What Is”.
Science is a process that Man developed. Ultimately, the process of science is an infinite endeavor to discover and make sense of — a mission with no end, despite its obsessive compulsion to prove it is right, to know Truth.
Because to know truth is to know God.
And I can’t help but wonder — is God knowable through Science?
Science is forever hypothesizing questions and questioning its hypotheses. True science quests to prove itself wrong. Can science lay down ego? If not, it is limited in its pursuit. And as such, truth (God) remains unknowable.
“Because Science” is fear-based separated-ness armed with the need to control. This is the unfortunate embodiment of all three false beliefs of the ego — that which causes all suffering.
Like how the mind is simply trying to sort out what the heart already knows, Science is the pursuit of explaining All That Is. And All That Is… is God.
