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Hiring a Life Coach? 3 Secret Signs You Can’t Ignore.

Writer's picture: Amy FairbridgeAmy Fairbridge

It’s a big decision that you are about to make - hiring a coach.

It could be one of the most impactful and profound ways you ever invest in YOU. Hiring a life coach can quite literally transform your life — in the most surprising, rewarding, and inspiring ways.

You may not realize it yet, but hiring a coach… it’s not just for you. The impact of life coaching transcends individual transformation.

The transformative power of life coaching: nurturing both individual and collective potential.
The transformative power of life coaching: nurturing both individual and collective potential.

The work you commit to doing with your life coach will ripple through your community and society as a whole. As your self awareness expands, and you activate your purpose-driven potential, the way you show up in your relationships, in your work, and in your community will have a domino effect on every life you touch.

It isn’t just your potential that you’re investing in — it’s the potential of your entire world.

So — you better make sure you’re investing in the RIGHT coach for you.

But with an ocean of options — it can feel daunting and even overwhelming to figure out who you should hire. You don’t want to hand over thousands of dollars and months of your precious time only to realize what a mistake you made…

And just because your mentor, sister or colleague loves their coach — doesn’t necessarily mean that coach will be in alignment for YOU.

Every coach has their unique flavor. Their personality, methodology, experience, and expertise form a coaching style that will either match your unique needs, or not.

So before you sign that contract and hand over the cash, you better make sure you KNOW BEYOND A DOUBT this potential coach is right for you.

Most coaches offer discovery calls, or exploratory calls to assess fit.

The intro call is as much for you as it is for them — they have an ideal client, and unless they are new and desperate for clients, they will be honest with you about their judgment of fit by the end of the call.

Do Less Be More Coaching by Amy Fairbridge
Do Less Be More Coaching by Amy Fairbridge

On consult calls, I let the potential new client know that if we decide together by the end of the call that we’re not a match, I will point them in the direction of someone better suited. Having a network of coaches and practitioners in my back pocket helps me better clarify not only the types of clients I can make the most impact with, but also the type of support someone like you would most benefit from. (and sometimes that isn’t me!)

As an empowered being ready to invest in your potential — you do not want to rely on the potential coach telling you if you should or shouldn’t be coached by them. While their insight, if sincere, can help inform your final decision, your don’t want to ignore your own intuition!

Deep down you know within yourself what is right for you and what isn’t.

But sometimes the state of your mind, the stress of your nervous system, and the demands of life can make it difficult to access your inner knowing. And so it can be useful to have a checklist to help you “know”. So that you can be confident in your decision before making such a profound investment.

Because this IS your life we’re talking about here.

So — before you jump on those discovery calls, it’s imperative to know what to look for.

Truth be told the things on paper, like years of experience, or age, or certifications don’t matter if the unseen elements aren’t aligned.

It’s what’s below the surface — the alignment of relationship — that will merit whether a coach will be the one to inspire, empower, and activate your highest potential so that you can journey beyond your wildest dreams.

3 not-so-obvious things to consider when jumping on a discovery call with a potential new coach:

1. Is my NERVOUS SYSTEM REGULATED when I am sharing space / in conversation with this coach?

Why this is important: Growth is only possible when we feel safe. It doesn’t matter how values-aligned or knowledgeable or successful the coach is if your nervous system doesn’t TRUST them.

When our nervous system doesn’t feel safe, it can be difficult if not impossible to be present, engaged, mindful, creative, open — all qualities required for growth work.

A coach whose presence naturally calms your nervous system, and who has the skills to help you regulate when you’re activated (which will undoubtedly happen through the course of the coaching process as your do “the work”) is one who will be able to hold the safe container required for you to grow.

2. Do I FEEL SEEN by them?

Why this is important: If you feel seen, then the coach deeply understands not only where you are right now, but they also know the path (their methodology) you’ll best thrive in taking towards where you desire to be.

When you feel seen — it’s as though they “get” you. The importance of this can’t be understated. Because they can’t possibly illicit that feeling within you if they haven’t asked you the RIGHT questions.

If they haven’t demonstrated, arguably the most important coaching skill, compassionate curiosity — you won’t feel seen. This is the undercurrent of active listening fueling targeted questions. Questions that illuminate truth, clarity, and ultimately, the path for fulfilling your purpose.

3. Do they inspire me to THINK DIFFERENTLY?

Why this is important: Perspective is EVERYTHING. A coach that has the ability to inspire you to think differently, can illuminate which beliefs you hold that conflict with your aspirations. Which stories and fears you unconsciously hold onto that are limiting your potential. Which unconscious thoughts are keeping you stuck, frustrated, chronically stressed.

You’re where you are now, due to the thoughts and beliefs you’ve held up until now. And if you want to learn, evolve, expand — you’ll need to shift your perspective in some way. Having a coach that is able to inspire you to think on purpose is essential to activating your potential.

Your growth is in your hands, but the right coach will do these three things.

Remember: regardless of the WHAT you discuss in your discovery call, pay special attention to how your nervous system feels, whether or not you feel seen, and if you are challenged (in a good way!) to have a new perspective.

When you feel safe, seen, and challenged by a coach, you’ll break free from stagnation and move toward your potential. Choosing a coach who aligns with these three signs will significantly impact your growth journey.

Ready to test these tips out? Book your discovery call now!



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