“If you take responsibility for yourself you will develop a hunger to accomplish your dreams.” ~ Les Brown

As powerful creative beings, taking responsibility is the prerequisite for aligned dream making.
Your life is your doing.
Your life is your responsibility.
Your life is yours for the making.
Assess How Satisfied You Are With Your Life.
I invite you to take a moment to take stock of your current reality. What exists in your life, and how do you feel about it? Your home? Your routines? Your relationships? Your finances? Your health? Your career?
The ‘Wheel of Life’ activity is a visual, detailed self-assessment to bring you into conscious awareness of your current life and where things may be out of balance. Go ahead and download a copy of this now, do the exercise, and then continue reading.
(I’ll wait.)
Your Life Is Your Responsibility.
Now that you’ve completed your wheel of life, there are three things that I want you to consider:
1. Your thoughts create your reality.
2. Your perspective influences how you experience that reality.
3. You are responsible for all of it.
The power of your thoughts can not be understated. The collection of your thoughts become what you have in your life. And how you think about what you have in your life dictates your experience of it.
In other words…

Thoughts create reality. Perception and perspective inform experience.
And all of it is your creation.
Looking at your Wheel of Life, say for example you are unsatisfied with your finances. This dissatisfaction may sound like:
I don’t have enough money to cover my expenses this month.
Making money is hard.
I’m bad with money.
Continuing on with this example, it is important to recognize that:
a) your current financial situation is a result of all your past thinking (and therefore your past feelings, beliefs and actions),
b) these thoughts are going to continue to create more of the same level of dissatisfaction with your finances.
c) you are the only one that can change your experience of and relationship with your finances.
Self Responsible Evolutionary Creation.
Creation is a spiraling of experience: I think things into reality and then I judge the reality which I’ve created. If my perspective of my created experience is different than I imagined it would be, I then think differently to shift my reality, creating new experiences for myself to perceive.
Many people however, aren’t using this power of contrast to create their dream life.
They aren’t spiraling upwards so much as running around in circles.
Most common is to think on repeat: I look at what I have, I perceive it (judge it as “good” or bad” by making meaning of it), and in that perception I think similar thoughts which then create more of the same.
Your past becomes your present becomes your future…
If it was hard before, I think it’s hard now, and so it will be hard in the future.
That’s your perspective of the experience that you’ve created for yourself.
And it will keep being hard…Unless you quit thinking on repeat!
What I want you to start doing is to Think On Purpose.
Thinking On Purpose.
Thinking On Purpose creates change. New, more, different than what you’ve already experienced.
Thinking On Purpose shifts beliefs, patterns, realities.
Thinking On Purpose invites opportunity to play with The Universe.
Thinking On Purpose is a choosing to take responsibility for your life.
Thinking On Purpose requires becoming conscious of your thoughts.
This is the work I do with my 1–1 clients so they can stop running in circles — so they can start spiraling upwards into self-responsible evolutionary creation.
If taking responsibility for your life sounds like worthwhile “work” for you, here are some ways to begin the journey of Thinking On Purpose.
1. Practice mindfulness (aka being present).
Mindfulness helps you become present and conscious. We live in an attention economy where the majority of us are distractible and living robotically.
Mindfulness slows us down enough to control our own attention, create space for pause, and begin to think on purpose.
You don’t need to meditate to practice mindfulness. Just incorporate it into your everyday activities:
On your own: Notice yourself washing the dishes with all of your senses. What thoughts/feelings/sensations arise as you do the dishes?
With another: Notice everything about the person speaking to you — their choice of words, the inflection in their voice, the way they furrow their brow in concentration or look to the right when searching for their next sentence. Notice how you feel in your heart and body while listening to them. Be present with it all.
2. Practice positive “What If” statements.
This practice rewires neural pathways, questions assumptions, stimulates creativity, cultivates curiosity, and unleashes the power of possibility all while strengthening your relationship with God. Some examples:
What if there were no limitations?
What if we could solve this problem in a different way?
What if everything goes better than I could imagine?
What if I’m learning exactly what I need to now to succeed in the future?
What if they really do have my best interest at heart?
Thinking on purpose creates pause between what happens and how you react to it. In that pause you can observe and to observe is to have choice.
And therein lies your power: to choose your thoughts that will ultimately create your dream life.
Remember — you are responsible for your life experience — as it is now, and what it will become. Are you ready to accept that responsibility and be accountable for your life’s creative experience? How hungry are you for your wildest dreams??
To start taking responsibility for your life, book a consultation call with Amy or join Be Your Purpose now.